We are here to

Change Your Investment Life

The past year marked a major milestone in our journey to becoming Sudan most valued gold and minerals mining company

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develop your

Investment Plans Forward

GOS Are Sudane's Most popular Mining and trade and export of minerals.

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Best Service

Service We Provide

Registration of new companies


Registration of new companies and branching out a business name

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search and exploration license


Obtain a search and exploration license

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Remote sensing


Remote sensing and geological technical and economic studies.

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Who We Are?

we are a group of geologists and specialized mining engineers working to reach our client expectation and our values

  • Transparency
  • Mastery
  • trust
  • Professionalism
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Best Products

Products We Provide

Gold Image

Gold is mineralized in Sudan in three types of rocks

Iron Image

Studies have proven the presence of iron in several locations in the Red Sea Mountains and Mount Abu Tolo


There are chrome in Sudan inthe Ingassana Mountains - the Nuba Mountains - the Red Sea Mountains


It's located in Darfur.

Our Projects

Latest Projects

Our Team

Our Prodective Team

Mortada Al-Sarathman

Geologist &General Manager..

Amer Hassan Muhammad Zain

Geologist &Director of Explorations.

Suleiman Sir Al-Khatim Othman

Director of Administrative and Financial Affairs.

Osama Saleh Omar

Deputy General Manager and Projects Manager.
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